

I was away for a few days this past week and had to navigate "away from home" nutrition.  Even though I brought some food with me and tried to have a plan, it wasn't the way I wanted it to be.  Here's a sampling...

Hotel breakfast:  Holiday Inn Express is not stellar in their options.  Cereal, cinnamon rolls, bread of every kind, muffins, high sugar yogurt, biscuits and gravy, eggs, and either bacon or sausage.  There was a fruit bowl found in the lobby.

What did I have? Eggs, breakfast meat, a piece of fruit, water, coffee.  One morning, I had a Chobani yogurt that I brought.

Drinks:  I feel like I couldn't get enough water while I was traveling!  My water bottle was always with me.

Lunch/ Supper:  Various restaurants.  I'm good at ordering off the menu.  Usually a salad with protein in it, light on the dressing.  Iced tea or water to drink.  I usually look for basic things like a meat main dish with veggies on the side if I'm not getting salad.

Snacks:  I brought loads of healthy snacks to the hotel.  Veggies, fruit, cheese, yogurt, nuts.  Easy to grab and go.

We attended a family funeral where the food was catered in.  Luckily, there were basic meat options and veggies.  Corn, potatoes, and dessert were the things I "sampled" and tried to keep small portions.  In a time of sorrow, it's easy to turn to food for comfort.

After days of this nutrition, I was ready to be home and in my own cooking zone.  Even though I thought I did a fair job of eating while away, I felt disgusting.  I felt like I had gained five pounds of fluid and had digestive problems.  I've been in the detox zone for a few days now, eating fresh fish, cooking from scratch, and in no hurry to eat out anytime soon.

Whatever life throws your way, do the best you can with what is in front of you.


FIT Community

I've had the opportunity to be a part of the Destination Medical Center initiative here in Rochester, MN.  In a nutshell, the vision is to make our city one of THE places to come to not only for medical care (Mayo Clinic), but be attractive to outsiders as a healthy, active hot spot with all sorts of wonderful things to do and see.  I'm part of the health and wellness aspect of it all.

One of the questions we are asking ourselves is, "What makes the fittest cities in America (or the world) the fittest cities?"  FYI- the "Fittest City" for the past three years in the USA was Minneapolis/St. Paul, which is just an hour north of us!  If you read the lists of the top cities, there aren't any big wow factors or secrets about them.  In fact, we already have a lot of the amenities that those cities do, just on a smaller scale.

For example, there are awesome bike trails in our city.  Great "green spaces" and parks every few blocks.  Our city is clean and attractive to be outside.  There is a great farmer's market here that runs three out of the four seasons.  These are all things that are listed in the "top" cities.  The difference?  Those cities have been more successful in getting their residents to use what they have.  I think that our city needs to motivate those who live here to get out and use what we have here to get healthier and more active.

Oh sure, we could probably add more things here for draw more crowds.  One point I'd like to make as a fitness professional is that you can have all the shiny attractions in the world, but if people aren't motivated to use them, they won't make a difference in anyone's lives.  What is attractive to the masses?  Fun, easy, not intimidating are some things that I think of.

So, what would you like to see in your community that would inspire you to lead a healthier life?  What would motivate you to use it if you had access to it?

What does your ideal FIT community look like?


Goal City-- drive straight through or take pit stops and detours?

I've blogged about setting goals, moving forward in your fitness journey, and just plain deciding what you want in your life.  This is a check-in post to see if you've not only decided what you want, but thought about the plan that will get you there.  WHAT are you doing?  How will you get there?

Imagine yourself getting ready to drive on a long trip.  Your destination is "Goal City."  You've got your map and have planned out the best route to get there.  What are you bringing with you-- supportive people in your life?  When you run out of gas, what will you put in the tank to ensure safe travels?

I bet you would hope to travel to Goal City in good weather, with no hitches or glitches along the way.  You'd like to travel lightly because extra baggage just weighs you down.  So, you get in the car and turn the key.... You are full of energy and excited to get going on this journey!!  Are you planning to drive straight through to Goal City with nothing stopping you?  Or will you have to make a few pit stops or deal with detours?

Ok, ok, so you get that I'm talking about your own fitness journey.  It's a little cheesy, but it gives you a visual anyway.  I wanted to reassure you that it's okay to have to make "pit stops" or take detours along the way toward your goals.  What matters is that no matter what, you get back on the road and get going again.

Have you spent the last month hanging out in your chair for great lengths of time or napping more frequently?  Feeling sluggish and just want to do nothing?  I'm here to tell you that it's real life you are facing.  Take your few days of that....take your "pit stop"....maybe you just need a re-charge or are going through a tough time.  BUT, then, pull yourself back up and drive straight through until you need to take a break again.

I think you can do both and still arrive at Goal City.  When you get there, get the map out and choose another course....another destination.  Get going!