We will always have something to work on. All of us...all of the time....our whole lives. When we master something like a new health habit, pick a new thing to change. Then, when you master that one, pick another....then another. Build on the healthy ones that you previously mastered. Then, when you feel on top of the world and are getting amazing results-- do a quick check to see if you've fallen off on anything or maybe started doing an old bad habit again. Sometimes, you don't realize that you are routinely doing something that you used to do, but stopped doing, then started doing again.
Lately, I've been struggling with vegetables. I like them. I try and keep enough prepped to grab quickly. BUT, I've been really busy lately and it is oh-so-easy to let it slide a little. I mean, driving from client to client all day or having back to back sessions doesn't always make it easy to get in my 4-5 cups per day. There is no excuse, it just takes effort. That is one example of EVERYONE having to work on things.
How about 90/10 compliance as another example? You know, eat 90% of your meals during the week on-plan and allowing a 10% off-plan choice (within reason). This ensures maximum results in changing body composition. It's hard. Even for me sometimes. A work in progress.
So, whatever you are working on for a habit right now, make sure that you are confident in doing this habit EVERY day. If you are confident in your changes, you will make the change. If you aren't, it's going to be a battle. It's as hard as you make it. Don't try to work on too many things at once. Also, realize that those who make change seem effortless and have "amazing" bodies DO have to work at it....a lot.... (Dedication! Consistency!)
The effort is worth it-- healthier body, healthier life.