I wanted to share the handout that I gave to my seminar participants. If you are in the right stage of change, you'll be ready take a look at the following questions and dig into what's really going on in your life. Be honest with yourself. Write down some realistic goals. Read it over when you finish and see if it brings an "aha" moment that will propel you forward.
"Thinking Points" - Elements of Success in Your Fitness Journey
1) WHAT do you want? WHY do you want it?
2) What are you willing to give up to reach your fitness goals? What are you NOT willing to give up? If you aren't willing to give it up, will it get in the way of meeting your goals?
3) Have you reached a fitness goal before? What happened when you got there? (i.e.- did you just "stop" or make a new goal?)
4) Everyone has a trigger that will bring change. What has been a trigger in your life? (Is it something someone said to you or something that you couldn't do, but wanted to?)
5) Short term goals-- Where do you want to be fitness-wise in 6 months? Be specific.
6) Long term goals-- Where do you want to be fitness-wise in one year? Be specific.
7) Make up a mantra that you can repeat to yourself when things get tough for you. (Example- mine is "You're stronger than you think you are.")
What's the point of all of this? Well, answering some of these things can give you focus instead of you just floating along with no goal in mind. Maybe it will help you remember what didn't work for you last time so you can avoid repeating the same mistakes.