We all have our "true" selves within us. There are a few lucky ones who are living up to their full potential now.....most of us are still a work in progress and will be most of our lives. What do I mean by "true" self? Well, I guess it's living in a way that you are doing exactly what you should be doing, feeling and looking your best and healthiest, radiating confidence and assurance that you are exactly where you want to be in your life. You are enjoying it and loving it and are ready to share it with everyone around you.
Finding your true self is a journey...I feel like the fitness journey that I've talked so much about in the past is part of that. You work your whole life to achieve what you want or at least try to get there. You carry around this picture in your mind about what kind of body you want or how you want to feel. You set goals about how you will move forward toward that now and in the years to come.
Guess what? Even if you are at a stalemate at this point, your true self is in you right now. You just have to call it out. You have to find the courage and strength to work toward achieving that picture. Maybe what you thought you wanted will change along the way and you'll evolve into an even better place. I feel like I'm asking you, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Not so much that as, "Are you where you want to be physically, mentally, emotionally?" If not, take either a baby step or a giant leap in the direction of your goals.....it depends on you. Nobody will take that risk FOR you. Nobody can make those changes FOR you.
How will you know when you are close to being true to yourself? You'll know....you will tell yourself, "This is exactly who I was meant to be and what I was supposed to be doing." I have to tell you that ever since I started being a personal trainer who helps people along their fitness journeys, it hit me that THIS is what I am supposed to be doing. When I got my body into shape and felt strength inside and out, I knew that I was getting closer to my true self. I'm not completely there....I feel like there is more that I should be doing. I'm a work in progress.
It may take you your whole life, but go after what you want. Go get it....nobody will get it for you. What are you waiting for?