That little voice in our heads is very powerful. It tells us what to do or not to do every day. It can keep you safe and comfortable, but how many times does that little voice talk you OUT of doing something? Doing something that you should try....could try....maybe even have fun doing? Talk you out of something that is JUST outside your comfort zone? Talk you out of doing your workout at all because your "just too _____" (fill in the blank).
Are you guilty of talking yourself out of trying something new? I have been guilty of this in the past and even now. Or maybe I've tried it and felt like I wasn't good at it at the time and haven't revisited it. When that voice calls to you in your head and says, "No, that looks too hard, you can't do that," or "I wouldn't be good at that," do you listen? It takes courage to mute that call to safety and give whatever it is a try.
Here's an example that just happened recently in my HIIT class-- a gal that I hadn't seen before decided to stay for my class to "check it out." I think she was going to just watch in the beginning, but decided to give the first round a try. Guess what? She DID IT! She wasn't even struggling. As we were getting ready to start round two, she picked up her water bottle and headed to the front door. I walked over and said, "Oh, are you leaving?" Her reply was that she just needed to "ease" into this new class before doing the whole thing. BASICALLY, SHE TALKED HERSELF OUT OF IT. I was so bummed out that I couldn't stop her and encourage her to finish. I knew she could have finished and felt that sense of accomplishment. She would have realized that she COULD do it, but the voice won. I hope to see her back again. I hope to help her step over the line out of the comfort zone and away from the "can't do it" chatter.
I hope that next time I try to talk myself out of something, I just go for it anyway.