
Meal Planning

I had a nutrition client ask me today how I meal plan.  Specifically, she wanted to know how I keep track of recipes, what meals I want to make for the week, and how to keep it all straight while at the grocery store.  I'm a busy is she....actually, so aren't we all!  So, how do I juggle it?

It's no secret.  I'm a planner by nature. I have all kinds of lists and plans going on in my head at all times.  Most of the time, I have to write it down somewhere, or I forget it. So, in terms of my menu choices for the week, I have a piece of paper taped to the inside of my cupboard that lists supper options.  (My main focus is supper, because a lot of times for lunch I'll eat leftovers, a protein shake, or a can of tuna with vegetables. Breakfast varies....that's another post for another day.)

I start with my main dish, usually a meat or fish option.  Then, I choose a few sides- usually cooked vegetables or a salad filled with vegetables.  I will also put fruit on the table because I know my kids will eat it.  Our meals are basic, simple, and yummy.  I need it to be non-complex for the sake of time.  I use my crock pot a lot!  I have a lot of cookbooks and cooking magazines, as well as a few cooking websites that I like (Food Network,, Cooking Light to name a few).  Occasionally, I peruse these to find new ideas if I feel we are in a recipe rut.

My menu changes a bit seasonally.  In the spring and summer, we grill more and experiment more with cold salads.  In the colder months, I make more homemade soup.  Honestly, on busy days all through the year, I do have the temptation to hit the drive through or grab-n-go options.  BUT, I remember that it won't help me reach my goals, it won't necessarily taste good, and it can cost a lot!  I'd rather plan ahead, prep ahead, and know that I can get a healthy home-cooked meal on the table for my family.

PLAN.  And take the time to plan.