Here we are, July 5th. Do you realize that we are past the halfway mark for 2014?!! Doesn't it seem like just yesterday that people were vowing certain "New Year's Resolutions" and dreaming of what to get done this year? (All-Year Resolutions is what I prefer!)
Well?? Are you there yet? Are you at least halfway to any/all of those 2014 goals? Let's be honest.....have you even made a valiant effort?
My resolutions for the year included a list of personal/family goals and a list of professional goals for my business, FIT. I hadn't looked at them in awhile. This week, I pulled them out again and had forgotten about some of them! Yikes! Maybe that is a sign that my lists were too long. While I have not met all of them, I am on my way with most of them...I've taken steps to move toward what I want.
Looking at the list again was just the reminder I needed of what I am working toward and whether or not I am on track or slacking off.
Here are some of my successes so far:
-Increased strength on most of my lifts (especially bent over row and hip thrust lately!)
-Adding more outdoor programming this summer with my clients and the public.
-Get the nutrition coaching side of my business up and running. YEP!!
-Make new memories with my them to try new things.
On the other side, here are some of my struggles:
-Getting my own personal workouts in 5 times per week. It's tough to do this every week with my increasingly crazy schedule. I'm trying.
-Reading and researching everything I can get my hands on regarding exercise and nutrition. It's an I-need-to-block-my-time-better issue. I haven't made enough time in my day for this.
Six more months to work on those things!
Here is your action plan:
1) Look at your goals or make a list if you haven't already
2) Start working on one at a time. Which one is most easily reached?
3) Change the goals you originally made if you've reached them already or if they no longer apply to you.
4) Just keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!