

The other day, I ran into an acquaintance at the convenience store.  We were near the checkouts....I was in line to pay for gasoline and he was hungrily eyeballing the shelf of pre-made crispie bars, rolls, cookies, etc.  "Hey, ___ (name withheld), how are you?" I said.  "Hungry!" he replied.  "I lost ten pounds in the past few weeks.  It wasn't fun.  I am glad for the weight loss, but the things I had to give up to get there I just can't give up anymore.  I can't do that.  I'm here to get something for myself....I have to have it."  

My reply to him was, "That's too bad that it was such a tough experience.  It shouldn't be that hard."  I wished him well and walked out, but not before noticing that he had a gigantic box of cookies in his hands.  

Clearly whatever this gentleman was doing was not sustainable.  He made it two weeks with some results, but caved and dove head first into a box of something that will get him back to square one in no time.  I meant it when I said that change doesn't have to be so hard and it doesn't have to be scary.  It can even be fun....when you see results that you can hold long term....when you show yourself that you CAN do it.

Yo-yo dieting usually stems from too many changes too fast or trying to change a habit that you just aren't ready to tackle yet.  That is not something that will last.  Then- you have to start all over again.  How frustrating!   When I work with my clients on nutrition, we choose ONE habit at a time.  A habit that they are ready to work on and can do every day for a certain amount of time so that it becomes natural.  When they conquer that habit, they work on a new habit.  That seems do-able, right?

You choose- extreme changes and yo-yoing or small changes and sustainable success. Does food control you or do You control food?