
Nearly 40-Something

I'm going to be 41 next week.  That's FORTY-SOMETHING.  I remember blogging a year ago about how 40 felt and that I could still rock it in the gym....I was in the best shape of my adult life....a new decade wasn't going to get me down! Forty-Shmorty!

Let me tell you, 40 HAS been great!  A pivotal year for me professionally and personally.  I've had a LOT of fun and have gotten to do things that I've never done and met some really great people along the way.  Can 41 be better?  I'm sure it can!

What I do know is that my body is not wanting to keep up like it did in the past few years.  For example, I've noticed that I have a crunchy knee.  I repeat-- a crunchy knee!!!  WT(#%&@*%??!!  I heard it going up the stairs a few weeks ago and thought, "What's that noise?"  Ugh.   I also notice that I need a little more recovery time after hard workouts and I value sleep a little more.  It's okay-- I still consider myself a powerhouse and am proud of my strong self!

I read an article from Precision Nutrition this week about eating right for your age, from the 20s to the 70s and into 80+.  It's fantastic.  When I read the 20s and 30s, I'm pretty sure I was nodding the whole time.  I remember feeling invincible in my 20s and not really taking care of myself at the same time.  The 30s- well, I was having and raising my babies and doing virtually nothing for me until the last half of that decade.  The 40s- they label it "Still Going Strong" and that's how I feel.  Maybe a little crunchy at times, but here to be a role model and coach.  I'm going to head off any health problem that I possibly can from now until my final days by taking care of myself.

Read it here:

Remember, we are never DONE.  We have to always take care of our health.