I'm following an online mini-course by Precision Nutrition this week about "5 Rules for Fat Loss for Women/Men." Everyone perks up for ANY information on the SECRETS of fat loss, right? Me included! Most people struggle with various amounts of extra fat on their body that they desperately want to get rid of.
Tell me, Tell me!! Well, don't be disappointed, but there really aren't secrets to successfully losing fat. It's just a different way of eating. More of this, less of that....stuff we've heard before. Here's what Precision Nutrition suggests to all of their fat loss clients:
1) EAT LESS CALORIES. This doesn't mean starve yourself, it means to eat a little less at meals. Stop when you are 80% full, not busting at the seams. Nobody needs to eat 5000 calories per day and I think a lot of people are close to that! Start aiming for 2000 and tweak it from there.
2) EAT MORE PROTEIN. Protein comes in many forms, namely lean meats, seafood, dairy, nuts, and protein shakes to name a few. Protein allows you to build muscle or at least maintain the muscle you have when you are trying to lose fat. It's also satiating. ** You want to keep your muscle at all costs!! Muscle helps burn fat, it burns more calories, it hikes your metabolism! **
3) EAT MORE VEGETABLES. Vegetables have good fiber in them, along with vitamins. They are low in calories and filling. Why not eat more fruit?? Because fruit is loaded with sugar, albeit natural sugar.
4) EAT LESS GRAINS/STARCHES. Try replacing your corn, potatoes, flour, with greens and veggies. Starches raise insulin and blood sugar in your body and may result in storing fat instead of burning it.
5) EAT MORE HEALTHY FAT. Healthy fats help even out the insulin and blood sugar. It's satiating (keeps you full) and has recently been found to raise metabolism and calorie burning ability! Healthy fats help your immunity, brain function, heart health, and cell repair/regeneration.
Ok, so these are not new sounding things. You are probably groaning right now and thinking that you have to now live on chicken breasts with a side of carrots and celery. No you don't. What you DO need to do is make the effort to find and cook some yummy recipes. (Try this link: mariahealth.blogspot.com) Rid your kitchen of the crappy snacks that actually make you addicted to sugar, salt, and fat. Find out what real food tastes like again. Ask yourself how badly you want that fat off your body.
Why does it sound so easy, but it isn't? Because it takes work to shop and prepare healthy food. It takes effort to find out what a healthy fat is. You dread the thought of giving up your donuts and crackers. Give it a shot-- there was a time in my life not so long ago where I never thought I could give up pretzels and Wheat Thins. Guess what- you CAN! Forever? Have it every once in awhile, but don't keep it in your house. When you do have it again, you'll realize you don't miss it that much after all.