Social support can be defined as having a network of people in your life that support your endeavors, contribute positively to your decision-making processes, and are there for you when you need help. In short, it's the people that support you in what you do to better your life. People with strong social support in their lives can conquer even the most difficult environments and accomplish great things. Unfortunately, people without a supportive network or environment have a harder time accomplishing even modest goals. (See my post about "Crabs in a Barrel" )
** Who you are today and who you want to become someday has a lot to do with WHOM you spend your time with.**
I found a great social support questionnaire put out by Precision Nutrition and I wanted to share some of it (I paraphrase the questions to shorten it). Answer the questions honestly to assess the level of social support in your life. This is important because who you spend your time with strongly influences how well you follow any nutrition or exercise program. Figure out whether or not this area of your life can present a challenge to your progress on your fitness journey.
1) Do the people at work or home (specifically your spouse) follow healthy lifestyle habits like exercising regularly, watching what they eat, or taking nutritional supplements?
2) When you want to exercise (i.e.- go for a workout or take a hike), is it easy for you to find a partner to go with you?
3) At your workplace, do your coworkers regularly bring in treats like cookies, donuts, and other snacks?
4) If you go out to eat more than once a week, do the people you dine with order healthy selections?
5) Do you belong to groups that meet at least twice per week and do some physical exercise?
6) Do you belong to a health club and attend an average to at least three times per week?
7) When discussing your nutrition and exercise goals with friends, do they seem interested in getting on board, or do they think you are crazy?
8) Do the people you live with bring home foods that aren't considered healthy or good for you? How about foods that ARE considered healthy or good for you?
9) Do the people you live with or work with schedule activities for you that interfere with your scheduled exercise time?
10) Do those around you bring nutrition, exercise, or supplement information to your attention so that you can stay informed about these topics?
There is a scoring system to this questionnaire, which I didn't include. The bottom line is this: look at your answers to these questions and decide whether your family, friends, and coworkers are making it easier or harder for you to succeed in your health/fitness goals. Are they sabotaging you without knowing it? Maybe. Talk to the people in your life and openly communicate what you need to be successful. If your husband is bringing home boxes of Little Debbies snack cakes because they are his favorite, but that is a weakness of yours, ask him not to bring them in the house anymore. If your boss has arranged "Chocolate Friday" in the break room, ask if there can be a healthier theme. Be an inspiration to your coworkers and bring yummy, healthy snacks to the break room. Form a walking group that is active over lunch/after work or take a class with a friend.
I'm lucky-- I have a very supportive group of people in my life. I've come across a few situations of people trying to get me to eat something that I didn't want to, but I set the record straight and haven't heard it since. I don't try to make the people around me change if they aren't ready, and I don't pressure anyone to eat unhealthy foods.
Outside factors can affect you and your progress toward your goals-- if you let them. YOU are in control and you have the power to put yourself in the right environment. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people as much as you can and keep going forward in your fitness journey. Tell the people in your life that you are trying to Get FIT. Be FIT. Stay FIT.