What's the first way that most people measure success when trying to reach a weight loss or health goal? Go ahead, say it: THE SCALE. People think that if that needle (or number) goes down, they have it made...all is well. The numbers on the scale are just one SMALL way to measure success; it's just one way to keep you in check. It doesn't tell the whole story, though. The truth is that the scale can be misleading. For example, when you strength train regularly and eat enough of what you need for muscle growth, you are going to gain muscle and lose fat. There won't be much of a reflection on the scale, but your body will be getting smaller even if the scale numbers don't. Or, you may be losing fat AND muscle (which you don't want to do!) if you aren't eating enough protein or other nutrients that your body needs. In these cases, body circumference measurements and body fat levels are better indicators that your body is changing for the better. Any fitness professional can do these for you.
So, let's toss the scale aside for a moment. I've mentioned a really great body changing success indicator in past posts that everyone has access to: your clothes. If the scale isn't showing you smaller numbers, but your clothes are loose or fitting you differently (in a good way), then that is a big indicator that you are doing something right! On the flip side, if your clothes are getting tighter and tighter, something needs to change. Don't buy new ones-- make healthy changes so they can fit you again!
I asked a client this week if she's noticed any changes in herself since we started working together. She answered that she feels much stronger and has more energy. Yes! Energy, strength, and any other positive feeling like that is yet another indicator of success in your fitness journey. I find that people have a positive glow about them when they feel good about themselves and feel good about what they are doing! They radiate confidence that they maybe didn't have before. That is a reason to celebrate!
One last measure of success besides that darn scale on the bathroom floor? Look in the mirror. What changes are you seeing as a result of your hard work? Muscle tone? Flatter abs? Clearer skin because you are eating less processed food? How about just a big smile because of the happiness you have right now?