
A kick in the pants

Life is full of our personal lives, our professional lives, all around us.  Sometimes, we get a little too comfortable in what we are doing.  We get stuck in a routine and don't deviate.  We like it where it is SAFE.  That can be okay if you are experiencing positive things and you feel some progress happening.  But at some point, we all need a kick in the pants to get going forward again.  We need to kick it in gear to speed up toward goals, to change course if needed, or to just wake up a bit.

I've experienced some change lately and although it took me by surprise, I think it's just the boost I needed to ramp things up and do some new things.  Change can scare you and shake you up or you can roll with it and see how you come out on the other side.  These are the times that you find out who you are.....your strength....your resourcefulness.  It's a time of good surprises and learning curves.

Look at your own life right now.  Do you need a change?  Where?  Maybe you need a new exercise routine.  Maybe you need to tighten up what you are eating because perhaps the scale is "stuck" or you aren't seeing progress anymore.  Are you happy with what you are doing for work?  If not, how can you make it better?

Change is scary, I know!  Kick yourself every now and then so that you can prepare yourself for things down the road when others kick YOU in the pants instead.  Then, roll with it.  You may like what comes next.

Instigate and embrace change.


Go the Distance

I've challenged my training clients this month to complete a marathon distance in May..... running OR walking (they are all different levels).  The goal is to get everyone outside more and to get moving outside of their workout sessions.  With a marathon being 26.2 miles, it breaks down to a mile almost every day to complete this.  I'm finding that my avid runners who are already training for an event have it covered.  The average person, on the other hand, has to really make an effort to fit this into their schedule.

There are countless physical activities out there, but walking has the lowest dropout rate of them all! It's free, and no equipment required!  Walking is the simplest positive change you can make to effectively improve your general health.  Research from the American Heart Association website has shown that the benefits of walking and moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day can help you:

-Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease
-Improve blood pressure and blood sugar levels
-Improve blood lipid profile
-Maintain body weight and lower the risk of obesity
-Enhance mental well being
-Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
-Reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer
-Reduce the risk of non-insulin dependent (type 2) diabetes

Take the FIT Marathon-distance challenge.  How long will it take you to complete 26.2 miles?