
The most "wonderful" time of the year

Looking ahead to the next two months, we have some big things ahead of us:  Thanksgiving and Christmas.  With it, colder weather and darker, shorter days.  Typically, this season is thought of as a time where families come together, give thanks, share gifts, show their love, and love each other through food.  It is all of these great things!  

The next two-plus months are also a very difficult, dangerous time of year.  

Dangerous, Kara?  How so?

Dangerous in terms of self sabotage and low motivation to work toward goals.  Believe me, I see it already in many of my clients.  It's like a switch has been flipped, and not in a good way.  Motivation is slipping and hibernation-mentality is threatening to take over.  Have you thought any of these things recently?
-"I just don't want to get out of bed....I'm so warm and cozy"  
Translation: I'm not going to get out of bed and exercise because it's dark and cold outside.
-"I'm not taking time to prep food, I just don't know what I feel like eating."
Translation: "The weather is different.  Comfort foods are calling.  Without a plan or prep time, I'm just going to pick up/make something not on my plan."
-"I'm not motivated."
Translation: "This is a hard time of year for me generally. I don't want to face it or get ready for it.  It's too much work.  I've lost sight of why I'm trying to make changes."

These are just a few thoughts.  Barely even scratching the surface.  SO, WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO?

Sit down and write out your goals.  It is imperative that you get very specific about what you want during the next few months, why you are making healthy changes, and what you need to do every day/week to pull you through hibernation season.  It's not fair to you that you have worked so hard all summer and into fall and then give into off-moods and old bad habits.

Keep taking care of yourself.  Take it one day at a time if you have to, but just keep going.