
I could have done better....

I completed a 5k along with some of my training clients this weekend.  I've gotta tell you, I am SO proud of them!  Whether they walked, ran, or did a combo of the two, they all completed it on a VERY hot and humid late afternoon.  What a sense of accomplishment!

As their coach, I have nothing but praise for them.  For myself, on the other hand, I was very critical of my own performance.  When I saw my time, I thought, "I could've done better.  I SHOULD have done better."  Then, the reasons for why I didn't do was hot and humid, late afternoon, I had to make a pit stop in the biffy mid-course, my ankle was sore (I had twisted it a few days before and wore an ace wrap to run).

I'm not a runner.  It's not a strong area for me.  So, why do I have to be so hard on myself?  Why not just be happy that I signed up and finished it?  Because I'm a competitive, imperfect human being like the rest of the world.  I can be the best coach to all of those around me, but not always to myself.

Here are the lessons:
- Allow yourself to feel the glory in the smallest achievements instead of insisting that something could've been different or that it could've been better.
- Take what you learn out of the events in your life and change it for the better the next time if you feel that need.  That means that you grow as a person.
- It's okay to want to better yourself, but don't be overly critical along the way.
- Realize that you aren't going to be great EVERY time.  Lose with grace.
- Continue to try things that feel hard.  It's good for you and makes you stronger mentally and physically.

I will work on taking my own advice.

"I'm on vacation..."

I'm sure we've all said it before or at least thought it before: "I can eat/drink/do whatever I want because I'M ON VACATION!"  So.....if you had been working really hard to build a routine, shed some fat, start good habits--WHAMMO-- you are completely blowing off everything you've been working for and potentially setting yourself back to square one.  AGAIN.  We all know it- how many times have you had to start over in this journey of health and fitness?  It's a cycle that nobody wants to repeat.  If you already aren't in the shape or mindset that you want to be in, do you think the "I'm on vacation" mentality is going to help you or set you farther back?  I think that if you aren't where you want to be....technically, you ARE on vacation- vacation from taking care of yourself!  I'm sorry, but eating an entire pizza by yourself, smiling, and saying, "It's vacation" doesn't work for me and it shouldn't work for anyone.

I went on vacation this summer and it was a fabulous 10 days.  I unwound and relaxed enough and even had fun!  (AND rode in the vehicle for many, many long hours!) BUT, I also planned ahead.  I thought, "Where will I work out and doing what for how long?"  We packed a cooler lunch every day where I could control the menu.  I ordered wisely when we ate out.  We had water with us to drink at all times.  Heck, I even had pizza and ice cream. But, I also brought my jumprope, my Gymboss timer, and a cable band with me (AND USED IT!).  I was prepared.

I didn't blow it.  I wasn't perfect.  And then, I came home and grocery shopped, planned, and hit the weight room ASAP.  Boom, back into a routine and headed toward my goals.

So, if you are headed out of town for that much needed break, think about what you want.  Think about what you will do.  Do you want to maintain your weight?  Will you gain 5 pounds and care/not care?  Will you be lazy?  Whatever it may be, call it what it is.  Vacation is supposed to be about having a good time with those you are with.  See new things, do new things, unwind.  Have fun.

Just remember that "I'm on vacation" can = excuses and self-sabotage.  AND it's too easy to let "vacation habits" continue when you get home.  So......after all of this, what will happen while YOU are on vacation this year?