For me, change was signaled by the way I physically felt and the reflection in the mirror. I can still hear my inner self saying, "Enough is enough!" when I saw myself in pictures looking frumpy trying to hide in baggy sweaters or when I tried on outfit after outfit and felt frustrated every morning. The final straw was when a friend innocently offered me a coupon to a plus-sized store. I told myself right then that something HAD to change. I was not going to step foot into that store. That was four or five years ago and I've slowly made healthy changes ever since.
Think about your own life--
- Do you feel like something has to change for you to meet your health and fitness goals? What changes are you willing to make?
- What changes are you NOT willing to make? (i.e.- is dessert just that important?) Will that keep you from meeting your goals?
- What is it going to take to trigger change in your life? (i.e.- A feeling? A visual? A health scare?)
Embrace change.