
My Story

I'm posting my first testimonial:  mine.  My struggle with weight really didn't start until after I had each of my kids (I have 3 kids). Each pregnancy, I struggled to get back to pre-pregnancy weight or even close to it.  I really didn't put fitness on the top of my priority list at the time.  I was too busy with babies and just trying to make it through each day.  In 2008, when my youngest was 2, we joined the local YMCA.  I finally found my sanity.  One hour a few days a week to myself while the kids played in the child care.  I felt no guidance and had no idea what I should be doing to change my body other than figuring out a way to burn calories.  So, I lived on the treadmill, walking to nowhere and really getting minimal results.  I worked out there and took a few water aerobics classes until 2010.   At that point, I got interested in the weight machines.  I also took some of the workouts from fitness magazines and tried those.  I felt VERY uncomfortable in the free weight area.  It seemed intimidating.  So, I went from machine to machine and did the treadmill on the side.

In early 2011, one of my gym friends introduced me to a few authors/trainers that I now exclusively follow: Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove. (Look them up!!) I finally had some direction and was talked into venturing WAY outside my comfort zone.  I started doing things in the free weights that I never dreamed of.  The results came quickly and a year and a half later, I have completely transformed my body.  No bulkiness from weight lifting, just strength, power, and a tighter body.  I can even do unassisted chin ups!  It is addicting and empowering all at the same time.  I have to say that at almost 38 years old, I am in the best shape of my adult life.  Oh, and I don't go on the treadmil anymore at all.

Here are some pictures from the past few years:

 This one is from 2009.  I believe I was at least a size 14. (At my absolute heaviest, post baby, I was an 18.)
 This is just a little over a year ago.  Size 10, but still some work to do. Notice how I wore black again.  Slimming, I guess.
Me, last week.  I wanted a photo that I could use to promote my personal training business.  I never thought I would say that I was a size 6.  Smaller than I was in high school.

That is my story in a nutshell.  When people tell me that I'm "so" or "too" skinny, I simply say that I've just taken the fat off my body and that this is what I'm SUPPOSED to look like.  Our society has a skewed view of normal body size these days.  I am strong and healthy and I feel great.  What's the old saying?? "If I can do it, YOU can do it!"