
The Fear Factor

Are we afraid to succeed?  I think we can be.  We all WANT success, but can hold back.  So, what are we so afraid of?  Maybe we're afraid of trying new things or doing something difficult. Maybe we are afraid of taking risks or care too much about what people will think of us.  Maybe we don't know how to go about reaching our goal.  There is fear of the unknown and being afraid that we won't know what to do when we do meet our goals.

One of the top fear factors that holds people back is the FEAR OF FAILURE.  That little voice in our minds starts messing with us: "You'll never do that.  You can't.  It's too hard... It's too risky... Don't even try."  Failures are normal in life.  They happen on your way to success.  This is something that has been forgotten over time.  People want instant this and instant that and want to skip right over the failure part.  Failure is what makes us stronger....more lets us give advice to others when we see them struggling.

I have always been inspired by other people's words.  Here are some thought provoking excerpts that I keep hung up in my closet so I can see them daily:

     "Seek New Horizons:  Once upon a time, we believed the world was flat- that beyond a certain point, there would be nowhere to go.  And though we now know the world is round, we still fear falling off imaginary edges, too often thinking there's only so far we can stretch, so hard we can push.  The most dangerous limits are those in our own head.  When you feel you're at your edge, look again.  You can go farther."

     "Growing means taking risks.  Being fearful is natural, but getting beyond your barriers leads to growth and reward.  Move ahead, even when it terrifies you.  You'll be happy you did.  MAKE GOALS.  LIVE YOUR PLAN."

Pick a fitness goal and start working on it.  Start with a small one if you have to.  Remember that it can take time to meet a goal.  Focus on the rewards, not the time it takes to get there.  Push fear aside and just go for it!!  I mean, what is the worst that can happen (other than hurting yourself)? That you flop and have to try again?  That's the road to success.  Plan for the obstacles and head out on your journey.  Don't be afraid.