I ran into a friend recently that tried my HIIT class a few weeks ago. (High Intensity Interval Training) Immediately, he told me that I had inspired him that day....I asked him, "How so?" What he noticed in my class was that everyone there had a look on their faces that reflected a sense of accomplishment for what they had just done. Fatigue, sweat, and a sense of accomplishment for finishing something that they had to work hard for. Listening to my friend, I felt a bit humbled that I could be a part of that scene. It's always been a goal to lead a class where people have to work hard, but they always leave feeling good about what they did. He now wants to look into instructing so that he can feel like he's making a difference in people's lives. How cool.
When you conquer something and feel that sense of accomplishment, you own it! You want more and you will keep going to get it. Accomplishment leads to pride, and pride makes you even more inspired to go after what you want. Nobody can take that away from you! `Say it with me-- "I did it!" Those are three very powerful words.
I love my job. I get to help people feel accomplishment every day.