You fill in the blank. Obesity = Disease? Disorder? Problem? Time for Change? Unhealthy? How would you label it?
I read an interesting article this week ( in the wake of the news that the American Medical Association has now officially declared obesity a disease. This article is written by a person who runs a very reputable company out of Canada called Precision Nutrition. They are known for their Lean Eating Coaching and helping their clients with fat loss. Dr. Berardi doesn't so much tackle the question of "is this REALLY a disease?" but, "who's going to treat it?"
In case you wanted my opinion on this whole situation, I do not feel that obesity itself is a "disease." I look at it as a "problem" for our country and every person that is facing it. A problem that can LEAD to disease. A problem that I want to help with. I think that if you call it a disease in itself, it could lead to some people excusing themselves and falling back on "I have a disease." Will it serve as another excuse people tell themselves or others? Obesity isn't something easily treated when you go to your doctor. You can't go to them looking for a cure- they are going to tell you to diet and exercise. Like in the article mentioned above, your family doctor isn't equipped with the knowledge to prescribe specific nutrition or exercise to everyone that walks through their door.
I'm not trying to open a big can of controversy here-- I do believe that obesity can be a complex situation. It takes awhile to become that way. If it were that easy to solve, we'd all be walking around in our best bodies!! A lot of times, people are obese because of life situations and not being able to cope in the right way. It's not just a physical disease, but often times is the result of emotional problems. People may take comfort in food to face problems. Depression can lead to inactivity and poor choices. The availability and convenience of processed foods can lead to obesity. The list can go on and on....
So, what do we do now? Well, throw the labels out, to start. I'm a believer in personal responsibility and, yes, seeking outside help if needed. Help with a problem before it leads to disease. We know that obesity can lead to all kinds of health problems, whether it be certain cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes to name a few. Help yourself be healthy by planning your menus and exercise for the week ahead to time. Take charge of what you feed your kids and how active you are as a family. Inform yourself on the fitness options available to you. Take the initiative and change your life. I'm here to help.
Get FIT. Be FIT. Stay FIT.