

People often times don't know why they aren't getting results in their fitness journey.  I have clients that don't understand why they are "stuck" in one spot.  Here are a few key questions to ask yourself:

1) Are you lifting weights (total body) at least 2 times per week?
2) Are you changing your workout every 4-6 weeks or so?
3) Have you been following a nutrition plan that includes protein, healthy carbohydrates (ie- fruits and veggies), and healthy fat in proper portions?
4) Are you drinking a lot of water each day?
5) Are you sleeping at night?
6) Are you keeping your nutritional "cheats" to a minimum each week?
7) Do you just keeping going when the going gets tough and your schedule isn't working out how you wanted it to?
8) Is your stress level in control?
If you are answering ANY of these with a "Sometimes," then I think we've found your problem.
Sometimes = no results
Consistency = results

Start working on replacing the "Sometimes" with "Yes, I CONSISTENTLY do this."  Doing anything just once in awhile won't get you anywhere close to your fitness goals.  Consistency is your ally and will mean the difference between results and no results.  Pick one thing at a time and when you can consistently do it for a few weeks, then move on to the next thing.  A few months down the road, you will see results!