We all have things in the past that we wish we could have done differently. We all look forward to the future and wonder what our lives will be like. You can't control the past now, but you can learn from it. For the purpose of FIT, what would you change about your past exercise/nutrition habits? What advice would you give your past self now?
Switching to the future, what would you tell your future self about your fitness journey now? Where do you want to be in your journey one year from now? How about 5 or 10 years from now? Hopefully, you'd want to be closer to your goals and not stuck or in reverse.
For me, I would tell my former self of even 4-5 years ago that it's okay to take time for myself....that it's not selfish. That I would be a better mom and a better person if I took an hour or so to take care of myself mentally and physically and had a stress drain. I would tell myself that I'm stronger than I think I am. Lastly, I would say that I can have my best body and be in the best shape of my life at any age, even after having kids!
To my future self, I would advise to stay the course-- find time for my workouts, keep pushing the limits, and find innovative ways to work out so I don't get bored and keep seeing results. I'd tell myself to eat the best food possible to ensure the best health that I can control. I'd also remind myself to give myself a break when I'm not perfect. Future self, you still need to know that you are stronger than you think you are!
Think about it. What's your dialogue?