There are "Stages of Change" that describe your readiness for fitness and habit changes in your life. I wrote about them awhile back. You bounce through these stages all throughout life depending on what is happening. Once you get to the "active" or "maintenance" stage, I like to describe a gamut of feelings that you can experience as-- the spectrum.
The spectrum has two ends to it. One end says, "I don't want to do this anymore." The other says, "I want to keep going." Anywhere in the middle is just trying to find your way forward. When you are facing each new day, that voice in your head and your overall confidence and attitude will propel you toward one end or the other of the spectrum. It's often one step forward, two steps back!
"I don't want to do this anymore" is you trying to talk yourself out of these new life changes because it's getting hard. It's taking more effort than you want to put in. Or, maybe you aren't seeing the results you want or you are bored with what you are trying and don't know how to change it. Maybe you aren't getting the social support you need to tell you that you CAN do it. Simply, you've hit a wall. This is very fact, I was telling a client the other day that even I have fleeting thoughts occasionally that I'm tired or worn out and feel like I've hit a wall. What do I do when I step toward this end of the spectrum? I pick myself up mentally and physically, take a rest day and give myself a break, and then keep going forward. I remember how hard I've worked to reach certain goals and use it as my fuel to get back on track. I remember where I used to be and how I used to feel and know that I never want to go back there again.
You see, to keep facing the other end, the "keep going" end, you have to not only build a physical toughness, but a mental and emotional toughness as well. We are so hard on ourselves and give up on ourselves so easily. If you've lapsed in your routine, start over. Forgive yourself and begin again. If you are tired, rest. Need direction? Ask someone for help. Be your own best cheerleader if you don't have the social support to pull and push you along. You'll be stronger through every layer of your being and you'll be equipped to coach those around you through the same thing as they too travel this journey.
Where are you on the spectrum??