Labor Day weekend is here, which marks the end of summer. If you are like me, things change around our house when seasons change. I change the way I cook, the clothes I wear, our schedule changes with the kids going back to school. Soon, as the weather gets colder, we'll change how much we can be outside versus inside for activity and fitness.
The end of the summer is also a time to look at your summer health and fitness goals and re-assess. First, did you set some summer goals? I hope so-- and if you did, ask yourself these questions:
"Did I reach my goals?" If yes, "What is my new goal?"
"Did I at least get closer?"
"Do I need to change my goals?"
Re-assess and set your sights on the end of the year. What will you work on from now until December 31? I follow a company called Precision Nutrition and love their fat loss and life philosophy of "change ONE habit at a time." Pick one habit and work on it for 2 weeks. Then, it should be automatic in your life and you can move onto a new habit. Small changes lead to big results over time! What you choose to change must be something you are confident must seem almost easy. Think of a goal and say, "I CAN DO THAT!" Confidence = success.
For example, my current habit change is replacing greens for grains. I've slipped back into having more grains/starches in my day that I really need. So, I'm going to back it off. Something I really, really need to work on is not eating after a certain time at night. That is a struggle for me. But, do you know what? I'm not feeling confident that I can do that right now, so I'm going to choose something else to work on that I know I can be successful at and work on the other habit when I'm ready. If you are ready, you will do it and you will feel successful.
So, where do you want to be by December 31? Write it down, start working on it, and you'll be there before you know it!