
Limiting Factors- What Are Yours?

A limiting factor is anything that makes it more difficult for us to achieve results or reach health and fitness goals.  In my studies to become a nutrition coach, Precision Nutrition outlined the following as common limiting factors:

1) Genetic makeup
- This means you may not have the upper limit physical abilities to win an elite world class event or be on a pro-sports team.  This does NOT mean, "I'm overweight simply because I was born to be," or "All of the women in my family are big, so I'm destined to be."

2) Exercise
- This might be a limiting factor because you have little to no desire to exercise or don't make the time for physical activity.

3) Physiology
- Some of us have imbalances in our bodies (i.e.- hormones!) or gastrointestinal dysfunction.  These are a few things that can make it more challenging to reach certain physical goals.

4) Mindset
- Do you talk yourself out of things?  Are you depressed or have a negative attitude in life?  These are examples of how your mindset can be an obstacle.

5) Nutrition
- What do you eat and drink on a daily basis and how much of it are you taking in?

For most of what I just listed, we are basically blocking our own path to success.  Remove your limiting factors and find a way to push your own limits!

If you need help, I'm here!  I just passed my exam and am now a Certified Level 1 Nutrition Coach!!!  You can go to my website to check out my options (nutrition offerings will come out mid-February) at  Check out Precision Nutrition to read their articles and blog as well: