

It's Halloween!  I feel like it marks the opening of the "holiday season."  Is Halloween candy the appetizer before the many festive feasts to come?  Halloween can be a big splurge day for many, especially if you are a sweet tooth.  I can leave most candy alone except the kinds that involve peanut butter.  I cannot buy Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Butterfinger without being somewhat tempted to have one.  My solution?  I just buy something else to pass out to the trick-or-treaters.  I remind myself that I've worked too hard to just eat a bunch of candy that I don't need.  I don't want that feeling of regret that comes after eating something that I didn't really want.  It's too easy to mindlessly eat something just because it's there.

If you simply must have candy, eat ONE fun-sized and call it good.  Pick your absolute favorite and have ONE.  Savor it, eat it slowly, enjoy.  Put the leftovers away or prepare to donate your extra candy. (One idea- the deployed soldiers love candy!  I send boxes of goodies overseas all the time.  Give it a thought!)

Enjoy your kids in their costumes.  Enjoy seeing all of the trick-or-treaters at your door, but NO  playing "one for me, one for you" with the candy.  Ha!  Get rid of it!  Be happy when you hand out that last piece of candy and shut your light off.  Now, give yourself a pat on the back for not blowing the whole day.  Have fun and don't make it about the candy.  We'll address the upcoming "holiday feast fest" in the next few months!  One down, many obstacles to come.

Happy Halloween!