
Coming in last...

As parents, we tend to put ourselves and our needs last over the needs of our children, families, whoever.  It's called "making sacrifices."  I think it comes with the territory when you are raising kids.  I know for myself, especially when my kids were babies and toddlers, I really did nothing for myself.  I was exhausted all the time.  I was lucky to get a shower every day.  They got exercise every day, but I didn't make the effort for myself besides chasing them around.  I'd cook foods that I knew my kids would eat or that were quick, easy, and convenient so that I didn't have to fight with them or I was too tired to make the extra effort to follow a healthier meal plan.  I taught them everything I could, played with them, planned fun experiences, made sure they had time with friends.  Truthfully, I felt that I had nothing left to give to myself.  I always made sure they had what they needed and thought, "I'll worry about myself later. My time will come."

Looking back, this was a big mistake.  A happy, healthy mom is better for everyone involved.  I realized that when my youngest was two.  I hated the way I felt and looked and decided that it was time put myself a little higher on the priority list rather than coming in last.  At first, I felt very guilty shoving my kids into a childcare area while I exercised.  But then, that time turned into a stress-busting sanctuary for me.  Putting myself on the "important list" made me feel better and got me to where I am today.  Taking care of myself was important to ensure that I'd be my best for my family and be a good role model to them too.

I still struggle a bit with cooking healthy nutritious meals that my kids will rave about instead of argue with me about.  I have to remind them that I am not a restaurant who serves a menu of choices.  I'm not putting their tastes first with mac-n-cheese, frozen pizza, and chicken strips like I used to.  I hope to change their palates one new recipe at a time and maybe someday, they'll appreciate it.  

Is this all selfish?   No.  Will you feel a bit guilty at first if you aren't used to doing things for yourself?  Maybe.  I believe that being your best self is a much healthier way to live than coming in last.