- Motivation
- Information
- Variety
- Consistency
After saying that, I would put mindset at the top of the list as well as motivation. If someone has a negative attitude with no intention of changing any habits and no desire, then they will inevitably fail in any fitness goal. No doubt. If you do what's easy instead of what's right, you will not get to enjoy long term success.
The other things on the list will come with time. It's like a chain reaction. The more motivated you are, the harder you'll try. You'll make the effort to find information about things to add to your workout. You'll be confident enough to try new things. The more results you see, the more dedicated you'll be and you'll hold yourself accountable. You won't even want to miss a workout. You will have your success!
Find what works for you. Everyone is different. Maybe you want information first and then you muster up some motivation and hire a trainer to hold you accountable, and so on. Success in anything doesn't come easy, but in the end, it's all worth it!