
Maybe later....

"I'll start tomorrow..."
"The holidays are coming..."
"I'll just wait until the new year..."
"It's ONLY one day of eating what I want...."

Do any of these phrases sound familiar? It's just too easy to put things off, especially when it's the daunting task of making changes in our lives.  Changes that last. Changes that are hard.  How many times have you started over? How many times have you tried and failed? Pushed things off for another day?

So, why do we put things off?  Inevitably, something "more important" or "more interesting" comes up. Maybe you don't get results as quickly as you want and you fizzle out.  Or, you tell yourself "I'll just have one more helping of this or that" and then you tell yourself that EVERY day.

You'll never get to the finish if you don't take the steps to get there.  Take your steps TODAY.  Move your body TODAY. Eat a bit healthier TODAY. Honestly, why are you putting it off?