

We all know that fitness "does the body good," but let's look at specifics:  (Warning- this post sounds a little textbookish, but it's still stuff you need to know)

  1. Exercise allows us to maintain muscle mass, strength, coordination, and balance.
  2. Regular exercise improves communication between the nervous system and the rest of our body.  This is important in the control of movement and improvement in your performance.
  3. Bones respond to exercise by becoming stronger. (especially through weight-bearing exercise)
  4. Strong muscles support and stabilize our bodies (Joints!) and produce the best possible movement.
  5. Physical activity has been proven to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases/disorders such as:
  • high cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • obesity and weight gain
  • diabetes
  • coronary heart disease
  • stroke
  • certain types of cancer (prostate, ovarian, breast)
  • osteoarthritis
      as well as pregnancy complications, shortened life expectancy, and decreased quality of life.

Being physically active also benefits your overall well-being by
  • promoting a positive mood
  • reducing stress
  • improving sleep
  • reducing depression and anxiety
Some of the factors the I just listed are influenced by genetics.  Realize that you can't totally prevent them by being more active or losing weight, but you can reduce risks and be proactive.  Other factors are the result of lifestyle choices and you DO have control over those.  The genetic factors are not to be used as an excuse.... i.e.- "I'm heavy because everyone in my family is." Or, "It's just the way it is."  You are giving up without even trying to improve your odds.

Take control!  Design your best life and achieve your goals!  Be healthy for yourself and your family.