
Guilt Trip

OK, moms, this post is especially for you.  We make ourselves feel guilty about so many things- especially taking time for ourselves.  We put our needs last.....that's how we're built.  When it comes to our own fitness and well-being, it's usually at the bottom of the list behind our family's needs.  We feel guilty about spending money on ourselves (gym membership, personal trainer, workout clothes, etc.) or we feel guilty about taking the time away from our kids to take a class or spend an hour running, lifting weights, etc.

Stop it.  It's okay to take time for yourself.  Trust me, I've had all of these guilty thoughts.  For a couple of years, I felt bad going to the Y "too many" times during the week or leaving my kids in the kid's care for more than an hour.  Looking back, it was kind of silly to think that way.  Was it really going to have a negative effect on them if they had to go with me a few times a week?

Taking time for yourself and being healthy makes you a better person, a better parent, and a good role model to your kids.  It's like the oxygen mask instructions on an airplane- "Put your mask on first before putting one on your kids. If you don't have oxygen, you can't help anyone around you."  Put your health at the top of the list so that you are better able to care for your family.  If you don't have good health, it's hard to take care of those around you.

I got over my guilt about the Y.  I realized that I needed it as a stress outlet. Being a stay at home mom can be very stressful!!  I have more energy to play with my kids.  I want them to have a fit mom, not a fat mom.  I am a better mom and wife.  If I don't exercise now, my mood suffers and we all know that a grumpy mom can bring down the whole house!

Short on time?  Work out smarter, meaning do harder, shorter workouts.  Incorporate your family where you can.  Make the time, it's not just going to happen.  Low on energy?  Exercise gives you more energy!!  The hardest part is just getting started.  Short on money or feel guilty about spending it on yourself?  That's NOT an excuse.  You can do workouts for free at home.  Look up body weight exercises online.  Buy a set of DVDs if that's your preference.  Get a timer and do interval training on your stairs, with a jump rope, etc.  Get creative!

Get over your guilt and stop making excuses.  You deserve good health and your family deserves to have you in good health.