Before you can talk yourself out of it or come up with an excuse, pick a fitness goal and start ASAP. Your goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic. Choose a manageable timeline; for example- "I'll go to the gym 3 days a week for the next month and aim for a 10 lb weight loss." Tell yourself exactly what you will do while you are at the gym. No clue? Look at the schedule and see what they offer. Don't like classes? Do some research on strength training programs. There are unlimited resources! Hire a trainer or meet up with a friend weekly to exchange ideas and support each other.
Here are some hints... Too many people only do cardio. Include the following for a well-rounded workout:
- Warm up
- Flexibility
- Balance training
- Strength training
- Cardio
- Power (plyometric)- this makes it fun!
- Core training (not sit ups)
- Cool down (foam rolling, stretching)
At the starting line, you have to take an honest look at what you are eating. Keep a food journal for a week or two. Look at your patterns:
- How many times per week do you eat out? What do you tend to order?
- How many times per day do you eat?
- When is a challenging time of day for you?
- Do you eat breakfast?
- What are your portion sizes?
- Are you drinking enough water? (It should be half your body weight in ounces every day!)
This isn't hard. You CAN do this. Make your plan. Get Ready, Get Set, Get FIT!