
ALARM Bells!!

The following information has come from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM):

  • 66% of American adults are overweight (Needing to lose up to 25 pounds).  34% of these adults are obese. (Obese= needing to lose 30 pounds or more)
  • By 2015, experts predict that 75% of American adults will be overweight or obese!!
  • Children with two overweight/obese parents have an 80% chance of becoming overweight.  It is a 40% chance for children with one overweight/obese parent.
  • 10.4% of kids ages 2-5 are obese.
  • 17% of kids ages 6-11 are obese.
  • 18.1% of kids ages 12-19 are obese.
  • Nearly 40% of calories youth consume are from solid fats and added sugars.
  • More than 60% of American adults are not regularly active.  25% are not active at all.
  • Over half of young boys and 3 out of 4 young girls do not engage in daily physical activity.
Are alarm bells going off in your head yet?  So, how do we get out of this??


Adults:  Get 150 minutes of moderate activity each week (walking, biking, etc) or 75 minutes of vigorous (sweaty and heavy breathing kind of stuff!) activity per week.  Split it up each day so it doesn't seem like so much.

Kids: 60 minutes of physical activity per day.  It seems like these days, kids need to be "sent" outside (like I have to do with mine!) instead of them just wanting to be outside.  It's the adults that have to watch out for the kids and help them to be successful and healthy.

Unfortunately, these statistics are the new normal.  There is nothing normal about them.  People have become sedentary due to technological advances and are eating more processed foods due to busier schedules and the convenience of those foods.  If everyone arms themselves with knowledge, they can make changes from there.  Let's start today!