

Change is hard.  Making changes that are long term are even harder.  So, how do we know when it's time to make a change in our lives?  What is the trigger that makes us think, "I've had enough!  Something has to change!" I realize that this can apply to many things in our lives, but for the purpose of this post, I'm talking about introducing healthy changes that lead to healthier bodies.

For me, change was signaled by the way I physically felt and the reflection in the mirror.  I can still hear my inner self saying, "Enough is enough!" when I saw myself in pictures looking frumpy trying to hide in baggy sweaters or when I tried on outfit after outfit and felt frustrated every morning.  The final straw was when a friend innocently offered me a coupon to a plus-sized store.  I told myself right then that something HAD to change.  I was not going to step foot into that store.  That was four or five years ago and I've slowly made healthy changes ever since.

Think about your own life--
  • Do you feel like something has to change for you to meet your health and fitness goals?  What changes are you willing to make?
  • What changes are you NOT willing to make?  (i.e.- is dessert just that important?)  Will that keep you from meeting your goals?
  • What is it going to take to trigger change in your life? (i.e.- A feeling? A visual? A health scare?)
Changes take effort and practice.  They also take time.  Remember that last one....we are always in such a hurry to get results that we often give up and move to the next thing too quickly.  Give it a chance.  It takes 6 months to comfortably and routinely practice a new habit.  So, give yourself a break if it takes awhile to adjust to changes.  Oh, and if others around you are trying to make positive healthy changes in their lives, be supportive.

Embrace change.