
Gym environment

Picture yourself walking into the gym and thinking, "I'm SO glad to be here, I love it here!  This is like my home away from home."  Now snap yourself back into the present moment and tell me, is this how you feel about your current gym environment?  If you don't belong to a gym, wouldn't you like it to feel like this?  Maybe you don't care.... (but for most people, environment in the gym IS important).

If it matters, what would it take to make that perfect gym or exercise environment?  

I know several people that feel like they have to already be in shape BEFORE joining a gym or at least regularly go to the gym that they already belong to.  It seems backwards to me, but I guess I do see their side.  Bottom line-- nobody wants to feel judged for what they look like, what they are doing, or what they aren't doing at the gym.  I felt a little of that when I first joined the Y, but got over it when I realized, other gym-goers aren't really paying that close of attention to me, unless I'm doing something to draw attention.

Overall, I like my gym.  I'm confident there, the people are friendly, the staff is friendly, and I have friends there.  Good equipment is important to me, as is a good amount to space to work out in, but it's the sense of community that I like.

If you are one of those people that I mentioned above, what specifically is keeping you from the gym?  Did you have a bad experience?  Is it all in your head?  Do you just prefer to work out alone?  

Figure it out and find what you want.  Don't wait to be "in shape" or you may be waiting for a very long time.